Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Why do I love vintage clothing?

It's hard to pin point exactly when my obsession with vintage clothing really started. Perhaps it was the days I used to spend sifting through my mum's wardrobe and trying on all her old silk shirts, jumpers and jeans while listening to her stories behind each item.  It sounds cliché but this is one of the main reasons I love vintage clothes, there's something so personal about it. Basically I'm so glad my mum is weird about never throwing away her old clothes.
Or maybe it was since my first trip to Brick Lane and Camden with my friends and no parental chaperones.
I fell instantly in love with all the vintage stores London had to offer, I mean who doesn't love the sight of rails upon rails of oversized flannel shirts? Surely not just me?

So yeah if you haven't guessed by now I have a thing for vintage clothes. So this lead me to drag a series of my uni friends to East End Thrift Store as they were holding a massive sale of vintage clothes all for one pound. Obviously that meant it was a no brainer, I had to go. So after queueing for about two hours and listening to a girl play Thrift Shop by Macklemore on her speakers about a hundred times, we were let in. To call it manic is an understatement, maybe I'm not the only one who's obsessed with flannel shirts after all. I've never seen so many clothes in one place. And me and my friend witnessed an actual fight over who picked up the fur coat first. It was an experience to say the least.
So thanks to that trip I now have way too many paisley and checked shirts than I need but who cares, they were a pound!
You should definitely check out their store if you're ever in the area. 
Here's a link to their facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Love vintage clothes too, just bought a jacket from paris for only 8 euros!
    Feel free to check out our newest post x
